Undeadly by Michele Vail Review


The Reaper Diaries Book One

By Michele Vail

Rick has been waiting a long time to date Molly Bartolucci and on her sixteenth birthday he has big plans to make his move. But when Molly’s birthday comes along her entire world is turned upside down, first the mean girls crash her party then her would be boyfriend hit his head and dies. Molly is able to grab some of his soul and put it back into his body. Relieved that, that crisis is averted she soon finds that life has more in store for her, she finds out her dad isn’t her biological dad and now she is being shipped off to a boarding school for necromancers. All this is just the beginning of the story as Molly’s whole world begins to tumble down.

 Undeadly by Michele Vail

Ok so as I was reading this novel I kept thinking “This is so obvious how can Molly be so stupid?” Boy was I wrong what I thought was so obvious was completely off the mark, yes I admit those thoughts bit me in the butt. I loved this book it was full of action, romance, and zombies what more could a girl want? The fact that zombies and necromancers are an everyday thing in this book was worth the read in itself, when you add in the Ancient Egyptian lore it makes it even better, then Michele Vail decides to combine all of this with a strong female lead this becomes an amazing novel. If this isn’t enough to keep you reading the series Michele Vail throws in an ending that is full of surprises ensuring your continued interest. I definitely recommend this book, whether you like zombies or young adult this is sure to be a fun read.

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